CyberGISX Platform(BETA)

Power Computationally Intensive and Reproducible Geospatial Analytics

Register with Your Institutional Account Now!

HPC Access

The CyberGISX platform is built to harness high-performance computing (HPC) power for computationally intensive geospatial analytics. Through CyberGIS-Compute middleware, users can easily access a variety of HPC resources.

Open Educational

CyberGISX is an open platform for developing and sharing open educational resources (OERs) with a particular focus on cyberGIS and geospatial data science approaches to solving real-world problems. Users can access cutting-edge cyberGIS software and a rich set of geospatial libraries for learning and teaching.

Geospatial Research

CyberGISX enables data-intensive geospatial discovery and innovation in a variety of domains such as agriculture, geography and spatial sciences, hydrology and water resources, and public health.

Computational Reproducibility

CyberGISX supports computationally reproducible scientific workflows that can be shared and executed as Jupyter Notebooks on the platform. Users can conduct hands-on learning by running such notebooks and pursue cutting-edge research by improving published notebooks.


Geospatial Science

CyberGISX strives to bridge the digital divide in geospatial science and ensure that everyone benefits from cyberGIS advances by democratizing access to advanced cyberinfrastructure and high-performance computing resources.

Featured Creators

Get inspired by our featured users and explore their contributions! Here, we highlight individuals who have made exceptional contributions to our community. From insightful blog posts to educational notebooks, these users have made a real impact. To learn more about their contributions, visit their profile and explore their content. Join us in celebrating our featured users and thanking them for their valuable contributions!

The CyberGISX platform is a good place for knowledge sharing. We can work on data-intensive, reproducible, and scalable geospatial analytics in Jupyter Notebook environment based on free powerful machine.

Hightlighted contents:


Join existing communities or start your own communities to develop collaborations and contribute to computationally reproducible research and education in particular domains.


WhereCOVID-19 notebooks map multi-scale COVID-19 spread and assess related impacts by integrating geospatial data, analysis, and modeling based on CyberGIS-Jupyter, an innovative cyberGIS framework for conducting data-intensive, reproducible, and scalable geospatial analytics using Jupyter Notebooks as the primary user environment.


HydroShare is a system operated by The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI) that enables users to share and publish data and models in a variety of flexible formats, and to make this information available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.

Geospatial Fellows

Geospatial Fellows come from various professional, cultural, and institutional backgrounds. The National Science Foundation supports fellowship programs that address COVID-19 problems using geospatial AI and deep learning, geovisualization, and advanced geospatial data analysis methodologies.


Only 3 easy steps to start using CyberGISX.

Powerful cyberinfrastructure

1. Register with CILogon

Through integration with CILogon, CyberGISX allows you to use your own institutional account for registration and access.

Register Now
Geospatial libraries at scale

2. Update Profile

Update your research interests and add your profile photo. Your profile page is public and helps you feature your works for sharing with broad communities.

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Always up to date

3. You Are Ready!

Now you can start learning from the Jupyter notebooks on the discovery page. and share your notebooks or blog posts.

Discovery Page