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Your Next Steps

Selecting an Identity Provider

As the CyberGISX platform is designed to use an email address as the user’s unique identifier, we encourage our prospective users to register by selecting an organizational login (i.e. university, national lab, facility, or project) as their identity provider in CILogon.  However, if your organization is not listed in the CILogon identity provider list, we encourage you to select Google as an identity provider.

Note: Please make sure to remember and log in to the CyberGISX platform with your selected identity provider.

Creating a Notebook

Once you have registered with CyberGISX, click on the “Launch CyberGISX” button on the CyberGIS menu bar. You will be directed to the notebook dashboard.

From the dashboard, you can create and then edit a new notebook. On the top right corner of the dashboard menu, you can select the “New” button and select one of the drop-down options to create a new notebook, text file, or folder. If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you select “Python 3” in this drop-down menu item. This will create a new notebook that uses Python.

Viewing an Outside Notebook with CyberGISX

You can upload the notebook from your home computer to the CyberGISX Jupyter environment. To do this, in the notebook dashboard navigate to the folder that you want to store the notebook in. Then in the top right corner of the dashboard menu select “Upload” and a window will open that allows you to select a file for uploading. Once you have selected your file it will appear in the file list. Click the blue “upload” button on the right side of the new file in the file list to complete the upload process.

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