Using spatial interpolation to determine transit demand and ridership in the New York Metropolitan Region

Author(s): Siddhesh R Kudale

In the usual transportation studies, planners and transportation engineers use station-to- station ridership data and demand to estimate travel behaviour patterns of commuters in public transit. The main aim of the project hence was to spatially interpolate the transportation demand between these point data sets to locate public transit demand in different areas of the city. The main aim of the project hence was to spatially interpolate the transportation demand between these point data sets to locate public transit demand in different areas of the city. The report is structured to complement the jupyter notebook submitted. In the usual transportation studies, planners and transportation engineers use station-to- station ridership data and demand to estimate travel behaviour patterns of commuters in public transit. The main aim of the project hence was to spatially interpolate the transportation demand between these point data sets to locate public transit demand in different areas of the city. The main aim of the project hence was to spatially interpolate the transportation demand between these point data sets to locate public transit demand in different areas of the city.

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Siddhesh Kudale

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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