Nobel Project Interactive Web-Mapping Tutorial

Author(s): Rebecca Vandewalle

This notebook gently introduces Python coding and interactive web map development with the Folium package. This lesson is intended for young learners (middle school to high school). Materials in this notebook were developed by Rebecca Vandewalle for the NSF funded I-STEM Nobel Project (see

Keywords: introduction, Mapping, Nobel Project

Posted by


Rebecca (Becky) Vandewalle

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

(for viewing purpose only)

Open with CyberGISX


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  1. Declaix commented on November 22, 2020 at 11:19 am


    thanks for this page. I spent a lot of time before finding a clear and helpful explanation of how to add a text via folium.
    The problem I have now : I want to add a python string by name, a variable, not a ‘constant’ string. Like for example ” a = ‘sss'” : I want to put “a”, not “sss” in the HTML text.
    Is it possible ?
    Thanks again

  2. beckvalle commented on November 23, 2020 at 10:54 am


    You could use something like the following to store your variable name as a text string to be able to use in the HTML. However, this is clunky and it is often better to simply type “a” directly into the HTML, or figure out a way to store the information you need as the variable data not the variable name.

    a = “sss”
    variable_name = [k for k, v in locals().items() if v == “sss”][0]

    Code from:

  3. BRADLEY commented on January 27, 2021 at 10:38 pm


    This article is very helpful and grateful. Thank you for sharing awesome article.


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