Geospatial Fellows

The Geospatial Fellows come from varied professional, cultural, and institutional backgrounds, representing a number of disciplinary areas. The fellowship projects are supported by the National Science Foundation with a particular focus on pressing COVID-19 challenges tackled through cyberGIS and geospatial data science approaches, including for example geospatial AI and deep learning, geovisualization, and advanced methods for analyzing geospatial data.

3 notebook results NYC
COVID-19 Webscraper

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

This notebook scrapes the list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics from NYC COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Finder (https://vaccinefindernycgov/) You can also use it for other ...

COVID-19 Vaccine Geocoder

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

The notebook geocodes a list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics based on their addresses You can also geocode other address data (eg, grocery stores, banks) using the notebook The notebook uses the ...

NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

Vaccination is the primary preventive measure to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic In New York City (NYC), reaching a vaccination clinic is highly reliant on public transit This notebook helps you ...

2 blog results Human Mobility
How would social distancing change the COVID-19 curve of community ...

The rapid development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted unprecedented global health ...

Mapping Human Mobility OD Flow Changes in the US during ...

Understanding dynamic human mobility changes and spatial interaction patterns at different ...