Geospatial Fellows

The Geospatial Fellows come from varied professional, cultural, and institutional backgrounds, representing a number of disciplinary areas. The fellowship projects are supported by the National Science Foundation with a particular focus on pressing COVID-19 challenges tackled through cyberGIS and geospatial data science approaches, including for example geospatial AI and deep learning, geovisualization, and advanced methods for analyzing geospatial data.

4 notebook results Geospatial Fellows
COVID-19 Webscraper

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

This notebook scrapes the list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics from NYC COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Finder (https://vaccinefindernycgov/) You can also use it for other ...

COVID-19 Vaccine Geocoder

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

The notebook geocodes a list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics based on their addresses You can also geocode other address data (eg, grocery stores, banks) using the notebook The notebook uses the ...

NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder

Posted by Xiang Chen on Thursday January 13, 2022

Vaccination is the primary preventive measure to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic In New York City (NYC), reaching a vaccination clinic is highly reliant on public transit This notebook helps you ...


Posted by on Thursday November 11, 2021

The accessibility and availability of intensive care unit (ICU) beds are particularly critical in the context of COVID-19 because they are closely related to the fatality rate of the disease As the ...

2 blog results Disability
Developing a Disability Vulnerability Dashboard

Authors: Jayajit Chakraborty and Katalina Salas, Socio-Environmental and Geospatial Analysis (SEGA) ...

COVID-19 and People with Disabilities

The first phase of my project focuses on the relationship between COVID-19 prevalence and people ...