Geospatial Fellows

The Geospatial Fellows come from varied professional, cultural, and institutional backgrounds, representing a number of disciplinary areas. The fellowship projects are supported by the National Science Foundation with a particular focus on pressing COVID-19 challenges tackled through cyberGIS and geospatial data science approaches, including for example geospatial AI and deep learning, geovisualization, and advanced methods for analyzing geospatial data.

2 notebook results geographically weighted regression
Geographically Weighted Regression (Part I): COVID 19 Incidence

Posted by Naomi Lazarus on Wednesday June 30, 2021

This notebook provides the code for running a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) using COVID-19 incidence rates as the dependent variable and independent variables representing age and ...

Geographically Weighted Regression (Part II): COVID 19 Mortality

Posted by Naomi Lazarus on Wednesday June 30, 2021

This notebook provides the code for running a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) using COVID-19 death-case ratios as the dependent variable and independent variables representing age and ...

14 blog results
Presentation: Working with Students to Reproduce COVID-19 Research to Establish ...

On October 19, 2020, Peter Kedron and Joseph Holler co-presented a workshop on reproducibility and ...

How would social distancing change the COVID-19 curve of community ...

The rapid development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted unprecedented global health ...

COVID-19 and People with Disabilities

The first phase of my project focuses on the relationship between COVID-19 prevalence and people ...

Mapping Human Mobility OD Flow Changes in the US during ...

Understanding dynamic human mobility changes and spatial interaction patterns at different ...

COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality maps

For my GSF project, I will be conducting a county-level assessment of COVID-19 in relation to age ...