RHESSys Simulation for HPC use with new CyberGIS-Compute Service


RHESSys (Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System) is a GIS-based, terrestrial ecohydrologic modeling framework designed to simulate carbon, water and nutrient fluxes at the watershed scale. RHESSys models the temporal and spatial variability of ecosystem processes and interactions at a daily time step over multiple years by combining a set of physically based process models and a methodology for partitioning and parameterizing the landscape. Detailed model algorithms are available in Tague and Band (2004).

This notebook demonstrates parallel job submissions of RHESSys ensemble simulations from CyberGIS-Jupyer for water to HPC (XSEDE), visualizes RHESSys output, and evaluate RHESSys efficiency with simulation runoff and observation streamflow.

Watershed: Coweeta subwatershed 18, NC, USA

The Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program is based on a collaborative agreement between the University of Georgia Research Foundation in Athens, Georgia, and the USDA Forest Service Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in Macon County, North Carolina. This study area is Coweeta subbasin 18 where is the one of the subbasin in Coweeta watershed. (Coweeta: 16 km2, subbasin18: 0.124km2)

Move the preconfigured RHESSys input to workspace for submitting parallel jobs

Change the preconfigured directory as <BASEDIR> to create the custom directory in XSEDE

Create installTestCases_local.sh to set up a custom direcotry in XSEDE

Execute RHESSys as Ensemble runs

Run ensemble RHESSys model on HPC with CyberGISX Job Submission 2.0

Build ensemble combinations using pyRHESSys

Build ensemble combinations

Submit model to HPC using New Job Submission Service Python Client

Check model output -- NetCDF files

Plot RHESSys output

When you plot RHESSys daily output, you can use output variables (RHESSys Output Abbreviation) from the table below

Basin Daily Output

RHESSys Output Abbreviation Description Units
pot_surface_infil Rain Throughfall mm
snow_thr Snow Throughfall mm
sat_def_z Saturation Deficit with depth mm of depth
sat_def Saturation Deficit - volume mm of water
rz_storage Rooting Zone Storage mm of water
unsat_stor Unsaturated Storage mm
rz_drainage Rooting Zone Drainage mm
unsat_drain Unsaturated Storage mm
cap Capillary Rise mm
evap Evaporation mm
snowpack Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) mm
trans Transpiration mm
baseflow Baseflow mm
return Return flow mm
streamflow Total Stream Outflow mm (normalized by basin area)
psn Net Photosynthesis kgC/m2
lai Leaf Area Index m2/m2
gw.Qout Groundwater Output mm
gw.storage Groundwater Store mm
detention_store Detention Store mm
%sat_area Percent Saturated Area m2/m2
litter_store Litter intercepted water Store m2/m2
canopy_store Canopy Intercepted water Store m2/m2
%snow_cover Percent Snow Cover m2/m2
snow_subl Snow Sublimation
trans_var Spatial variation in transpiration
pet Potential Evapotranspiration mm
precip Precipitation mm
mortf Fraction of Basin that have tree mortality
tmax Maximum Temperature °C
tmin Minimum Temperature °C
tavg Average Temperature °C
vpd Vapor Pressure Deficit Pa
snowfall Snowfall
recharge _Recharge of water to soil
gpsn Gross Photosynthesis kgC/m2
resp Respiration kgC/m2
gs Canopy Conductance mm/s?
rootdepth Rooting depth
plantc Plant Carbon kgC/m2
snowmelt Snow Melt
canopysubl Canopy Sublimation
canopy_snow Snow Intercepted on Canopy
height Canopy height
evap_can Canopy Evaporation?
evap_lit Litter Evaporation_
evap_soil Soil Evaporation_
litrc Litter Carbon_
Kdown Downward (from atmosphere) Direct Shortwave Radiation_
Ldown Downward (from atmosphere) Longwave Radiation_
Kup Reflected (upward) Shortwave Radiation_
Lup Reflected (upward) Longwave Radiation_
Kstar_can Absorbed shortwave by canopy
Kstar_soil Absorbed shortwave by soil
Kstar_snow Absorbed shortwave bysnow
Lstar_can Absorbed longwave by canopy
Lstar_soil Absorbed longwave by soil
Lstar_snow Absorbed longwave by snow
LE_canopy Latent heat evaporated by canopy
LE_soil La
ga Aerodynamic Conductance mm/s

Get Ensemble Output

Get Observation Streamflow

Plot RHESSys ensemble output

Plot RHESSys ensemble and observation output

Evalute Model Efficiency

Plot Best fit of RHESSys output